What Is A Chiropractic Adjustment?
A chiropractic adjustment is a technique of applying a specific force in a specific direction to a joint that is fixed, "locked," or exhibits abnormal mobility. This provides mobility to the joint and makes these joints gradually regain their normal mobility and function. It is a safe and natural procedure, the objective of which is to improve the spinal function, the functioning, and the health of the nervous system. There are multiple ways to adjust the column. The usual thing is that the chiropractor's hands are used, but there are techniques where an instrument specially designed for this purpose is used. The important thing is that a specific, precise, and effective force is applied in any chiropractic treatment. After years of university training and clinical experience, each chiropractor acquires the necessary skills to perform different types of adjustments that allow him to help people of all ages and physical conditions. A chiropractic treatment is a method us...