What Is A Chiropractic Adjustment?


A chiropractic adjustment is a technique of applying a specific force in a specific direction to a joint that is fixed, "locked," or exhibits abnormal mobility. This provides mobility to the joint and makes these joints gradually regain their normal mobility and function. It is a safe and natural procedure, the objective of which is to improve the spinal function, the functioning, and the health of the nervous system.

There are multiple ways to adjust the column. The usual thing is that the chiropractor's hands are used, but there are techniques where an instrument specially designed for this purpose is used. The important thing is that a specific, precise, and effective force is applied in any chiropractic treatment.

After years of university training and clinical experience, each chiropractor acquires the necessary skills to perform different types of adjustments that allow him to help people of all ages and physical conditions.

A chiropractic treatment is a method used exclusively by doctors of chiropractic to correct or reduce subluxations (small displacements of a vertebra that irritate a nerve).

It is a gentle, but specific movement in the spine that the chiropractor performs using his hands, with the help of a specific table and, sometimes, with the help of a simple instrument, to correct vertebral subluxation and restore communication in the nervous system.

A chiropractic treatment is safe for all ages, from newborns to seniors.

The chiropractic treatment is quick and effective, it allows the patient to take care of themselves without interrupting their daily routine too much.

A chiropractic adjustment is precise and painless, it does not consist in manipulating the spine but in working very specific areas where nerve interferences occur.

The fit is pleasant, conveys a feeling of well-being and relaxation.

The adjustment has many benefits on a physical and mental level, as well as on the body.

The chiropractic adjustment may take a few minutes, however, your body will continue to change and adapt for months.

Taking care of your spine and nervous system when necessary will allow you to be more prepared to experiment and explore life to the best of your ability.

Chiropractic adjustments are part of the lives of millions of people who have decided to take care of their health in a natural and effective way.

During chiropractic adjustment

In a chiropractic treatment, the chiropractor places you in specific positions to treat the affected areas. Generally, you lie face down on a custom, padded stretcher with a specific design. The chiropractor applies sudden and controlled force with the hands-on joint to push it out of its usual range of motion. You may hear popping, cracking, or what is commonly a "rabbit" as the chiropractor moves the joints in the treatment session.

Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustment 

  • It is safe for all ages, from newborns to seniors.
  • It is fast and effective, it allows you to take care of yourself without interrupting and affecting your daily routine.
  • It is precise and painless, it does not consist only in manipulating the spine but in working very specific areas where nerve interferences occur.
  • It is pleasant, conveys a feeling of well-being and relaxation. It has many benefits, by improving the nervous system, it not only relieves pain but also helps general health.

The goal of chiropractic also called "spinal manipulation" is to correct structural alignment and improve the physical function of the body to allow good communication of the brain through the spinal cord with the entire body.

It is safe?

YES, chiropractic has an excellent safety record, avoiding invasive procedures or addictive medications. Several studies have shown that chiropractic care is 250 times safer than treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs.


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