What Makes Chiropractic Treatment For Muscle And Tenon Sprains Different?


The main characteristic that differentiates treatment for muscle and tenon sprains from the rest of the health professions is that it emphasizes the optimization of the nervous system, offering numerous benefits to all those people who wish to improve their quality of life, whether or not they present specific symptoms.

The chiropractic doctor observes and treats the body from a global perspective to establish a relationship between local problems with a more general cause, looking for the origin that it may have in the functioning of our body. In addition, chiropractic does not use invasive methods towards the body (such as injections) or medications, it only makes mechanical adjustments to our musculoskeletal system to improve the functioning of our nervous system, which is what governs the functioning of our body as a whole.

To delve into these differences, we are going to answer a series of questions that usually surround this discipline focused on maintaining the long-term comprehensive health of the patient.

Is chiropractic a medical specialty?

No. Chiropractic is a complementary health profession distinct from medicine. It is studied in specialized chiropractic universities. The number of study hours required to earn a Doctor of Chiropractic degree is similar to that required to earn a Doctor of Medicine degree.

In the chiropractic career, neither pharmacology nor surgery is studied, but the study of physiology, anatomy, radiology, and specific manual chiropractic techniques are studied in greater depth.

What is chiropractic treatment? Is it massage?

No, absolutely not. The chiropractor performs specific manual adjustments (adjustments) of the vertebrae and different joints so that they normalize their functioning and do not interfere with the function of the nervous system.

Settings are very brief and highly effective manual applications, requiring great skill that can only be achieved through several years of university learning. This has nothing to do with the manual movements made on the skin or muscles known as massage.

Is chiropractic a dangerous therapy?

Chiropractic is a health profession recognized by the World Health Organization that deals with disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and back neck pain, and the effects of such disorders on general health. Scientific studies place chiropractic care as one of the safest and most effective health procedures to treat these disorders. The chiropractic professional receives a minimum of 5 years of higher education that guarantees the quality and safety of the service he provides.

Since this new profession is not yet approved, it is very important to go to a true chiropractor because there are people who take advantage of this legal vacuum to perform spinal manipulations for back neck pain without higher education in chiropractic.

I'm afraid, can you leave me worse than i am?

No, chiropractic treatment for muscle and tenon sprains is not an aggressive therapy towards the individual, since, unlike drugs, it does not invade the body with any foreign chemical or biological agent. It acts on the nervous system in order to allow the self-maintenance and self-recovery capacity of the patient's own body to function normally.

During this process of returning to normality, the physiological changes experienced by the body may be accompanied on occasion, and temporarily, by a variation in the patient's symptoms or a certain feeling of tiredness. In other cases, the patient may feel an immediate sense of relief for back neck pain without going through this intermediate phase. And it is that the best ally of the chiropractor's work is the patient's own body.


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